Passive Broad Band Harmonic Filter
Passive Broad Band Harmonic Filter
Most of the known filtering techniques have common draw back of higher cost compared to broad band filtering techniques. Consequently, the harmonic filtering techniques to a large extent are still the most commonly used techniques for current harmonics mitigation of 6-pulse front-end diode rectifier application.
Here in ACE we have developed an efficient broad band filter, which can suit many such similar loads. Since all filter components are passive they are rugged, maintenance free, reliable and low cost. Moreover, the filter implementation procedure is relatively easy.
With simple structure, our broad band filters have been extensively used for VFD harmonic mitigation. No involvement of electronic circuits, hardwares and complicated control algorithms. Hence, our Broad Band harmonic filters are relatively inexpensive means for eliminating current harmonics distortion & improving the system power factor. Because of these two in one features our broad band filters usually have edge over the other effective filtering methods.
Typical Application Areas
- Front end Six-pulse DC rectifiers
- Automation equipments
- Waster water/effluent treatment Plants
- HVAC Equipments using Motor Drives
- VFD's and Motor applications
- Battery Chargers
There are various techniques of filtering. Most prominent is Shunt Passive Filters. Which are tuned to the desired frequencies. These methods are workable to certain extent with non satisfactory results in harmonic mitigation. Lots of Shunt connected filters tend to resonate with the transformer impedance and also stray harmonics.
ACE Broad Band Filtering has a Series Low Pass and Shut High Pass Filter which in fact acts as a source to Load harmonic demand. This effectively reduces the harmonics at the main source end. This in turn allows us to install the Filters near the load, Directly reducing the I2R losses and skin effect of the bus ducts.
The 3P3W system requires balance load and the 3P4W system can correct unbalance upto 25%.
ACE Broad Band Filtering has a Series Low Pass and Shut High Pass Filter which in fact acts as a source to Load harmonic demand. This effectively reduces the harmonics at the main source end. This in turn allows us to install the Filters near the load, Directly reducing the I2R losses and skin effect of the bus ducts.
The 3P3W system requires balance load and the 3P4W system can correct unbalance upto 25%.